Pricing for Yoga

Join us and begin your journey to lasting wellness.

Try our JOY Discovery Pass

For New Students Only - 6 Classes to be used in 30 Days. Please note that there are no extensions, no exceptions. Once you have taken three classes, it has already paid for itself.

Loved this first class I took at Journey of Yoga. So many ways to modify and follow along and feel instant benefits. I am definitely making this part of my life going forward.
— Joanna T.

Yoga Class Passes

Single Pass


Expires 1 week after purchase.

5 Classes


Expires 2 months after purchase.

10 Classes


Expires 3 months after purchase.

The Fine Print

The JOY Discovery Pass is valid only for new students who have never visited our studio. New students can take six classes in 30 days. The pass is activated on the day of purchase. Classes to be used in 30 Days. Please note that there are no extensions, no exceptions. Once you have taken three classes, it has already paid for itself.

Yoga Class Passes - Please note that there are no extensions, no exceptions.

Got questions? Please email