Keeping Cool…

Welcome to the dog days of summer!  Following are nine ways to help you to stay cool in the extreme heat of Pitta weather.

  1. Stay hydrated! Many people are dehydrated and don’t even know it. Symptoms of dehydration include being tired/sleepy, having dry skin, getting headaches, and more. The guideline is to drink about eight 8 oz. glasses per day, which is 64 oz. of water. If you are exercising and sweating, drink a little more. Avoid iced drinks as they are shocking to our GI tract.

  2. Rest in the heat of the day. Think about Mother Nature and what animals do in the hottest part of the day. They rest. They are most active in the early or late parts of the day. We should do the same. See if you can sneak in a 10-20 minute nap to just close your eyes and rest sometime after lunch.

  3. Practice a cooling pranayama (breathing technique) called sheetali breath. This is done by rolling your tongue and sip in air. If you can’t roll your tongue (as it is a genetically influenced trait which not everyone can do), simply place the tip of your tongue where your teeth meet the roof of your mouth. Slowly breathe in through your mouth and exhale through your nostrils until you feel a little cooled down.

  4. Eat lightly during the hottest part of the day. Our appetite is generally weaker in the hot weather than it is in the cooler weather.

  5. Eat cooling foods. Favor sweet tastes such as sweet fruits, dairy, coconut and avocado. Avoid hot and spicy foods (such as garlic, onions, chili peppers) as well as those that are sour or salty.

  6. Avoid hot, salty and spicy foods. Avoid cayenne, chili pepper, ginger, garlic, onions, etc. Use alcohol and caffeine moderately. If you eat meat, avoid beef and other red meat. Avoid chocolate.

  7. Take a swim in the cooler part of the day and/or hydrate yourself with a cooling spray of rose essential oil mixed with distilled water. Avoid hot tubs or steam rooms at this time of year.

  8. Meditate in the early morning to set yourself up for a peaceful and mindful day.

  9. If you are practicing yoga, include fish, camel, boat, cobra, tree and lateral poses as these tend to be more cooling in nature.

Hopefully, some of these Ayurvedic lifestyle and nutrition guidelines will help you avoid getting heated under the collar. If you want to learn more about how your body can benefit from changing your diet and lifestyle for the season, book a consultation session with Maggie.


Benefits of Teen Yoga


Tea Tree Oil